About me:
Being a Medical Doctor isn't my Job but my Profession.
I was born in Kaposvár, Hungary in 1950. There I graduated from High School (Mihály Munkácsy). I become a medical doctor at The Semmelweiss Medical University Hungary in 1975, with the qualification "cum laude" (laudation). I graduated as a Rheumatologist in Hungary in 1985 (ORFI) and in Finland in 1989. I got the Speciality in Internal Medicine in Finland in 1989. I practiced as a Specialist in Hungary for about 13 years and in Finland near 40 years. I am interested in Autoimmunic Inflammatoric Rheumatoid Disease (for example Arthritis rheumatoid, Psoriatic Arthritis, different Axial and Nonaxial Spondylarthropaties, including RTG-negative), Connective tissue Diseases(for instance Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic Sclerosis), Vasculitis.
I am curious too about noninflammatory (degenerative) diseases ( Different Spine and Back pain, Ischias, degenerative Spinal Disc Syndromes et cetera. I treat different Tunnell Syndromes, Osteoporosis, different Pain Syndromes(Fibromyalgia, Hypermobility).
I use with experience different injection techniques (into Joints, Soft Tissue, Blocads). Over the special laboratory samples, I take many imaging investigations (Radiography, Computer Tomography including Dual Energy CT, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound) Any Investigations are in my repertoire too as ElctroNeuroMyoGraphy, Sleep Polygraphy. About the results of the Blood Samples and Imaging investigations, I call You with Information about them.
I have a long time of experience in treatments of Chronic Pain Syndromes, Rehabilitation, Physiatry, Music Medicine. I communicate often with orthopedic and hand surgeons, neurologists, dentists et cetera. I know on a large basis all of the conventional antirheumatic drugs, and the biological agents(including Biosimilars) and JanusKinase Inhibitors, as well as the nonsteroid inflammatory analgetics.
I am a bedside clinician who listening to the Patient long and ewer. Welcome to visit from age 16years. With the permission of the patient, the parents also welcome. Prescribing of narcotic/opiate pain killers can happen only in the doctor`s office personally.
Finally, I want to put your mind that the COVID-19 (and all mutants of them) may affect/involve all organs of the human body including the Locomotor System.
Please trust me and turn to me!